Sunday, February 25, 2018

Digital Painting

What were you trying to accomplish?

I was trying to create a painterly effect on a pre-existing image. I wanted to make the photo appear similar to that of an oil painting. I was also trying to create brush strokes that looked as smooth as possible to achieve the look of a painting.

What technical skills did you use?

For this project I used the mixer brush tool in photoshop. At first I used the reservoir feature of the mixer brush, but I decided to set the brush to use only the colors from the area I was making a brush stroke. More specifically, I made use of the various bristle brushes in photoshop. I used mostly the fan brushes, and occasionally used point brushes for the small details on the eyes of the cat.

How do you feel you did?

I think I did very well for my first attempt at a project such as this. I really like how the strokes on the fur of the cat turned out, as they appear very smooth. I found the boards of the deck to be a bit difficult seeing as how they were out of focus to begin with.

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