Sunday, February 25, 2018

3D Asteroid Field

What were you trying to accomplish?

I was trying to emulate the look of an asteroid field using the Lightwave 3D software. I also attempted to give them enough variety to make the scene more believable.

What technical skills did you use?

To create the asteroid model, I started with a cube shape. I subdivided the cube to give it more polygons to work with. I selected specific polygons on the shape and extended them to eventually create a rocky texture. To create an entire field of asteroids I used the spray tool in the Lightwave modeler, and then squished them down so the field would appear flatter.

How do you feel you did?

I feel I did well on this assignment. I feel I created a fairly believable asteroid model in Lightwave, and I really think the lighting on the asteroids matches well enough with the backdrop I chose. The silhouette of the asteroids is a nice touch as well.

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