Monday, March 12, 2018

Vintage Art Re-Creation

What were you trying to accomplish?

I was attempting to recreate a piece of vintage art that I found on the web. I wanted to keep it as close as possible to the original artwork for consistency's sake. I also tried using close to the same colors as the original.

What technical skills did you use?

I started with use of the pen tool to trace the outline of the moon and then the inside of the moon. I then selected both shapes and used minus front with the pathfinder tool. For the woman I mostly used the pen tool to trace the hair, loose hair strands, and facial features. I trapped the face shape layer underneath the hair layer.

How do you feel you did?

Although my design is fairly simple, I still feel that I did well in staying as close as possible to the original using solid shapes. Although the original has slight use of gradients, I still believe my iteration is effective.

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